- May 24 Wed 2017 04:57
- May 24 Wed 2017 02:45
「你的貓」中文版上市The Launch of Your Cat Chinese Version
說明書翻譯語言翻譯公司I want to thank Sophie, the editor, for spending time, effort and money publishing this book and making my dream come true. She hired a vet who is currently practicing in HK to check my translation. Sophie is very thoughtful, professional and responsible. She and I were two perfect strangers. Based on the same interest, we met and worked together to have this book published in Chinese without actually seeing each other at all. The internet is a wondrous world. Don’t you think so?
- May 24 Wed 2017 02:25
- May 23 Tue 2017 07:44
Google 翻譯決意採用新系統:「中譯英」更自然通順
- May 23 Tue 2017 07:31
奇異「日文翻譯棒」實物試用: 無需數據, 中英文都得!
- May 23 Tue 2017 06:48
不費力健身法!靠穿戴式科技輕鬆甩油 ♣舉止專區♣ @
- May 23 Tue 2017 05:50
安逸,是一種病:那些比你晚睡又夙起的人,早已走在你前方。 特賣 ...
- May 23 Tue 2017 04:57
最強心計心情女聯誼技能 必學!搔得男生心癢癢
- May 20 Sat 2017 22:01
SolidWorks專業工程師練習手冊[1]:根本零件篇 好出色
- May 20 Sat 2017 21:38